Friday, September 18, 2015

Art In The Afternoon….Sibiel Glass Icon Museum

Village of Sibiel

An afternoon September rain has purified the landscape in the region of Sibiu, Transylvania…crisp, wet colors woven in nature’s cloth are guiding the traveler towards a necklace of villages with rich tradition called Marginimea Sibiului, neighboring villages like Tilisca, Vale, Orlat, Saliste and my final destination Sibiel where a jewel of a folk art museum is preserving a very unique collection of Icons Painted on Glass.
Village Life
The painting of icons on glass is an ancient Romanian folk tradition dating back to 1699 in various regions of Transylvania - Nicula and surrounding areas (Northern Transylvania), Mures Valley, the Fagaras, Brasov area, Valley of Sebes, Alba Iulia, Mǎrginimea Sibiului – and each is characterized by their specific style.
St. Ilie Glass Icon
These areas are all well represented in the Museum “Fr. Zosim Oancea” where, among the almost 600 icons collection, artistic jewels of the local traditions are exhibited.
Fr. Zosim Oancea Museum, Sibiel
After their work in the fields was done or when the weather did not permit outdoor activities, some of the peasants in the area dedicated themselves to painting icons on glass.
Museum Interior, Sibiel 

They produced all colors from natural pigments and materials blending mixtures using animal fat, egg yolk, linseed oil etc.
Holy Trinity Glass Icon

Icon Painting was never a commercial profit activity, but an expression of faith and desire to have a Holy Icon in their home.
The painters had to prepare spiritually through prayer and fasting, before creating the icons.
St. George Glass Icon

Pieta Crucifixion Glass Icon

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