Star Carolers |
Starting on Christmas Day, the village children begin caroling with The Star... a richly decorated hand made banner to let the world know A Child Is Born!
Bucovina Star Carolers |
Tradition dictates it continues for days until January 6 the day of The Epiphany.
The Star of Bethlehem only appears in the Nativity story of the Gospel of Matthew.
Old Bucharest Star Carolers |
Suceava Carolers |
Songs about the Star have transcended through time from different sources, some from the Orthodox Byzantine Church, some from the Latin Catholic Church literature, some from the Calvinist rite and many from the local folk traditions.
Folk Group Paunita |
Small choral groups of stellar carolers visit the homes of the neighbors during the days of Christmas, singing religious songs about the birth of Jesus..."Star Above is Shining", " In the town of Bethlehem" or "Three Magi from the East" and joyfully blessing them and their kin.
Maramures Sledding |
At the end of the day there is always time for some winter fun....